Fundraising 2023

Every year we raise funds for charities through the sale of our Christmas card packs and boxes. Together we have helped to rescue, restore or enrich the lives of so many people simply through the purchase and subsequent sending of a festive card. From our Christmas 2021 sales we were able to donate over £175,000 to eight different causes.
Choosing to send a Woodmansterne charity card shows how much you care – care for the less fortunate, care for the environment and care enough to choose a card which reflects your character and sense of humour.

Every year, causes are chosen with great care to ensure that all the money is used wisely and efficiently. We choose ‘hands on’ charities, who work directly with those in need. At Woodmansterne, we are careful not only to choose a worthy cause, but to ensure that the organisation behind every charity is effective, efficient and well-focused. We set up agreements which guarantee that all the money we collect goes in full to the work of the charity and is not swallowed up in administration costs. Every year each charity sends us a detailed report on their progress and on the specific projects that have been funded by your contributions.
Charity Packs

In 2023 our charity cards will help raise valuable funds for the following causes –

Charity Boxes

In 2023 our charity boxes will help raise valuable funds for the following causes –

Examples of Our Charity Products